MIF welcomes Bolivian cholita artist, fashion entrepreneur and student of political science Verónica Torrico. Verónica founded the song and dance group Las Florecitas de Mizque together with her sisters Roxana and Noelia in 2009, which was part of a larger cultural phenomenon that involved hundreds of song and dance groups created by young Quechua-speaking women known as cholitas. When the dance venues were closed during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Torrico sisters created a cholita fashion line based on their stage outfits. Today, their artisanal clothes workshop has grown into several fashion shops managed by the Torrico sisters.
During this event, Verónica Torrico will talk about the Torrico sisters’ experience in cholita music and fashion, and teach us how to dance mizquean zapateo!
We will also show 30 minutes of a documentary film about cholita music by Siboné Oroza and Antti Nordin.
The languages of the event will be Quechua, Spanish, and English.
This session of the Sonic Club is organised in collaboration with the World Wide Women Female Musicians Crossing Borders and Building Futures (2021–2024), funded by Kone Foundation.
#sonicclub #cholitas #museumofimpossibleforms